- This is how the common livestock farm look like. Each cow is tied to the metal fence so they cant run away or turn around. Cows are fed with the hay that is always available for them.

This is how it looks like from different perspective. The cow's tails are tied to the top so they won't be as dirty.

We were also wondering what is the purpose of sawdust that is in there. The farmer told us that the cows are also fed with the sawdust in order to get some more nutriens.

Here is the sign on the farm that shows that the products and the milk that is produced here are coming straight to the factory of Salzburg Milch.

On the same farm you can see that they also have tractors and combines for carrying supplies/ livestock/ crops. This is the way they transport their products to the factories in order to get final product from the milk or any other products.

Behind the tractor, owners have storage where different types of trailors are stored. As this farm is more based on livestock, they have more trailors for livestock.

While we were walking and searching further, we went to another farm and saw pretty much the same, however here we saw the big storage of the hay.

This farm is a little different. You can see how they use special feed for the livestock instead of the sawdust and everything is better organanized and we could assume this one is more productive than the other.

Then we found out that this farm is working for another company, Alpen Milch, and the farm is a little bigger than the previous one, and there were little more cows as well.

This is the house of the owners that shows how do they live.

On the way back we saw something different. This farm wasn't focused on milk production and they didn't have any cows, however, they had goats and chicken, so we assumed they produce goat milk and eggs.

This is how chicken farm looked like outside, with the small house for them to lay eggs and be in warm place.

On Moosstrasse I took a photo of a local store that sells meat. The butcher store is very local and small and probably taking the meat from the area it's located.

The processes that we saw along with conditions for cows that produce milk for Salzburg region were good and natural. I, as a consumer, bought their products, as the processes of getting milk I saw were natural and owners didn't hide anything from us and were very hospitable.
Thank you for your attention !