In 1914 Austria was a part of Austro-Hungarian Empire and had a big influence on Europe at that time. It contained many countries in it and the Empire was multinational and multilingiustic. Here you can see the map of the Empire of 1914

As you can see, Austria was divided by many regions and Salzburg was one of them.

As you can see on the map, Salzburg boundaries remained the same and even grabbed little of Bavarian teritorry. However, the Austro-Germany union after WWI wasn't official, so it was just more favoured by people and governmant, as Peace Of Prague Treaties forbade it. So Salzburg remained to be a part of Austria.
In 1938 Germans, through some forced agreements invaded into Austria, and made it a part of the Reich, many politicians in Austria didn't agree with it, but through German strategies, by March 13 Austria was an annexed part of Reich.
As you can see, during Anscluss, Germany annexed the whole Austria and now, Salzburg was under controll of Dictatorship and was a Federal State of Austria in the German Reich. As a majority of population liked the Nazi regime, they were supporting Germany and commiting crimes with them.
After Third Reich fell, the powers that were opposing them took controll over it, including Austria. Austria was divided among the 4 countries
The two major parties strove towards ending allied occupation and restoring a fully independent Austria. The Austrian State Treaty was signed on 15 May 1955. Upon the termination of allied occupation, Austria was proclaimed as a neutral counrty, and "everlasting" neutrality was incorporated into the Constitution on 26 October 1955 ( Atlas of Austria )

During the permanent neutrality time, Austria got it's independence and claimed itself as a democratic country again.
Today, Austria is a Federal republic, and, as a citizen of the capital of Federal State of Salzburg, can assume that throghout 100 years, Salzburg and it's land was a part of 2 Empires and was claimed as a land of 4 different countries.
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